Ed McGowan: Concussion Comedy at Le Cheile

Le Chéile NYC 839 W 181st St, New York, NY, United States

Thursday, February 6th, comedy is back at Le Chélie! Come out and laugh with this hilarious lineup🔥🔥🔥


Hispanic Society: Curator Talk on The Colorful World of Pancho Fierro, Afro-Peruvian Painter by Dr. Marcus Burke  

Hispanic Society Museum & Library Audubon Terrace, Broadway betw 155th & 156th Sts., New York, NY, United States

Join us on Friday, February 7th for a curator talk with Senior Curator Emeritus Dr. Marcus Burke, who will discuss Fierro’s vivid depictions of Peruvian society, highlighting the extraordinary upward social mobility that was possible in 19th century Lima.