Jazz WaHi Weekly Jam at Kismat

Kismat Indian Restaurant 603 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, United States

Tuesday in the Heights means Jazz at Kismat!

Kismat Friday Night Music: Pendulum

Kismat Indian Restaurant 603 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY, United States

This Friday features Pendulum singing classic folk-rock-pop.

Inwood Art Works: A Spring Concert Series – Northern Lights

Good Shepherd School Auditorium 620 Isham St. (Between Cooper & Seaman), New York, NY, United States

A program of string music focusing on composers from Northern Europe whose music brings vibrant, unique colors to the stark landscapes.

$12.31 – $28.29

YM & YWHA: Nani Vazana Live!

Fort Washington Collegiate Church 729 W 181st St. @ Ft. Wash. Ave., New York, NY, United States

With a ship’s-horn power voice & irresistible stage presence, Nani defends the endangered Ladino language, a dialect of Spanish spoken by Jews of the Spanish diaspora for centuries.


Word Up Recirculation: Storytime with the Symphony

Word Up Recirculation 876 Riverside Drive (near 160th St.), New York, NY, United States

The Washington Heights Chamber Orchestra is pleased to present a 3-concert series in partnership with Word Up Community Bookshop, featuring books from the “Uptown Kid Lit” list with thoughtful connections to themes that will be familiar to every child growing up in Washington Heights.