Word Up Recirculation: Storytime with the Symphony

Word Up Recirculation 876 Riverside Drive (near 160th St.), New York, NY, United States

The Washington Heights Chamber Orchestra is pleased to present a 3-concert series in partnership with Word Up Community Bookshop, featuring books from the “Uptown Kid Lit” list with thoughtful connections to themes that will be familiar to every child growing up in Washington Heights.


Cabrini Shrine: Women of Jazz

St. Frances Cabrini Shrine 701 Fort Washington Avenue (@190th Street), New York, NY, United States

March is Women’s History Month and we have a special treat for you!

Hispanic Society Museum & Library: Take Flight

Hispanic Society Museum & Library Audubon Terrace, Broadway betw 155th & 156th Sts., New York, NY, United States

Skylark takes to the skies exploring music inspired by the wonder of flight.

Free – $75.00

Dancing Women in Jazz

Alianza Dominicana Cultural Center 530 W 166th St, New York, NY, United States

 Veteran choreographer and educator Mickey Davidson leads a dance ensemble that pays tribute to some of Mickey's mentors including Norma Miller, Marian Coles, and Harriet Brown with live music performed by the Jazz Power Swing Band with Eli Yamin.