Masterclass with Steve Slagle: “Scenes, Songs, and Solos: Unlocking Creative Improvisation”.
March 23 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sunday, March 23. 3:00-5:00. Masterclass with Steve Slagle: “Scenes, Songs, and Solos: Unlocking Creative Improvisation”.
Castle Village Community Room. 110 Cabrini Blvd. Washington Heights.
Join Grammy winning saxophonist, flutist. and composer Steve Slagle as he presents some of his ideas and secrets for more creative improvisation, based on his 2013 book, “Scenes, Songs, & Solos”. This class is open to all instruments and vocalists. Steve will show how an understanding and feeling for the ‘Blues Mode’ as delineated in a scale played creatively is a good starting point to the art of improvising. This basis along with working on arpeggiating chords and polychords in all 12 keys can be applied to soloing over not only blues forms but also standard or original compositions. With a strong sense of time and rhythmic variations we will explore unlocking your creative potential in improvising. We will also explore a strong sense of time, rhythmic variations, and the relationship of a composition’s melody as improvisational tools. Steve will demonstrate by playing specific examples. You are invited to bring your instruments; as time allows we will invite participants to play or sing.
This masterclass is free, but reservations are highly recommended. Visit our contact page to reserve For more info about Steve, visit https://steveslaglemusic.com/bio/