No Name Comedy/Variety Show producer Eric Vetter brings New York’s best established and emerging authors and storytellers to Word Up Community Bookshop in Washington Heights for their monthly series “No Name At Word Up Super Storyteller Party”.
Super Story Party is curated and co-hosted by author/storyteller Michele Carlo, the author of FISH OUT OF AGUA: My life on neither side of the (subway) tracks (Citadel Press).
The show will also include a “Magic Hat Open-Mic” where audience members can signup for a chance at four minutes of stage time to share their own stories.
Come have fun on your lunch hour with our amazing gardeners John, Craig, and Asher! Get ready to ask those questions you’ve been pndering about plants, trees, and bees!
Every last Friday of the month – met at Heather Garden entrance.
Continuing the African Tradition of storytelling and drumming, Griots in Concert creates an inspirational and educational performance presenting stories and song from Africa, the Caribbean and America!
Celebrate Conduit:
Featuring the stories of the Sugar Hill Community!
Explore the theme of mother stories inspired by the Conduit exhibit and the World Mother Storytelling Project. During this event we will share stories, make art and participate in hands-on workshops with the creators and participants of this exhibition that celebrates Sugar Hill and our community members!