—The American Revolution in Inwood, Part 2–
Greetings! A few months ago at LOST INWOOD we talked about the local events leading up to the battle of Fort Washington in 1776. But the war didn’t end until 1783, seven years later. What happened in Inwood during the intervening years?
As it turns out, a LOT. On Tuesday March 4th 7:30 at INWOOD FARM, we’ll reveal the plans used by US troops to intimidate occupying British forces. We’ll hear about the lawless “Neutral Ground” in Westchester and the Bronx, where anything could happen and often did. Or about the quasi-military loyalist marauders known as Refugees, who wreaked havoc in the area. We’ll learn what happened to the Dyckman family and the destruction of their farm and home after they were forced to leave Inwood, and how the Dyckman sons became famous freedom fighters. Did we mention George Washington’s reconnaissance of Inwood in 1781, or the visit to by King George’s “spare” son (who later became king)? Amazing stuff.
Please join us. Tuesday March 4th 7:30pm at THE INWOOD FARM. It’s free to the public, but reservations are highly recommended.
Want to save lives? Donate blood.
The NY Blood Center is running a blood drive at the Hebrew Tabernacle on November 21st from 2 to 8pm.
Walk-ins are welcome, but registration is preferred.
Sign up here:
Join us for this month’s Virtual Parlor Chat where we will introduce you to our new guide program, Bloomberg Connects! A member from our staff will highlight all the features, such as a guided audio tour, VIP immersive experiences, and so many more exciting things that make visiting the Mansion more accessible and in-depth than ever before. We will go through an example visit at the Mansion with Bloomberg Connects, explore our new virtual offerings, discuss how to use the platform on site and at your home, and show you why visiting the mansion armed with this new guide is well worth a trip.
Register on Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link. This virtual program is free; $5 suggested donation.
Jazz WaHi’s Saturday Happy Hour at 181 Cabrini presents the creative singer Erli Perez with guitarist Aidan Cotner (making his Jazz WaHi debut!).
We’re always delighted to host Erli – come listen!
These Happy Hour events are a great hang, and a great way to kick off your Saturday night!
No cover – good food, good bar, good people, good music. In the Heights!
Jazz WaHi’s programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, Inc