Tag Archives: Atlantic Slave Trade

“I Was Their Midwife”: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood on Seventeenth-Century Slave Ships

“I was their midwife”: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood on Seventeenth-Century Slave Ships

By Dr. Andrea Mosterman

August 28th at 12PM
Register here

Ships are usually seen as masculine spaces, and slave ships are no exception. But as the slave voyages database shows, about a fourth of the captives transported on board seventeenth and eighteenth-century Dutch slavers were in fact women. In this presentation, I explore the experiences of women on board these slavers, paying special attention to pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood in these spaces.


“Yo Fui su Partera”: Embarazo, parto y maternidad en barcos de esclavos del siglo XVII.

Por la Dra. Andrea Mosterman

28 de agosto a las 12PM


Los barcos son usualmente vistos como espacios masculinos y los botes que transportaban esclavos no eran la excepción. Pero las bases de datos de esclavizadores holandeses de los siglos XVII y XVIII demuestran que un cuarto de todos los esclavos transportados eran mujeres. En esta presentación exploro las experiencias de estas mujeres a bordo de estas naves, prestando atención especial al embarazo, parto y maternidad en estos espacios.