Tag Archives: Morris-Jumel Mansion

Morris-Jumel: Jazz at the Mansion

For over three decades, Marjorie Eliot and Parlor Entertainment have honored the past and celebrated the present with this event, which has become a cherished local tradition. Enjoy two days of free classic jazz at Jazz at the Mansion, hosted by the Morris-Jumel Mansion with support from the Jazz Foundation of America.

This outdoor event is free and open to the public. While outdoors, this event has limited seating. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be canceled.

Morris-Jumel: Jazz at the Mansion

For over three decades, Marjorie Eliot and Parlor Entertainment have honored the past and celebrated the present with this event, which has become a cherished local tradition. Enjoy two days of free classic jazz at Jazz at the Mansion, hosted by the Morris-Jumel Mansion with support from the Jazz Foundation of America.

This outdoor event is free and open to the public. While outdoors, this event has limited seating. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be canceled.

MJM Virtual Parlor Chat: Bloomberg Connects

Join us for this month’s Virtual Parlor Chat where we will introduce you to our new guide program, Bloomberg Connects! A member from our staff will highlight all the features, such as a guided audio tour, VIP immersive experiences, and so many more exciting things that make visiting the Mansion more accessible and in-depth than ever before. We will go through an example visit at the Mansion with Bloomberg Connects, explore our new virtual offerings, discuss how to use the platform on site and at your home, and show you why visiting the mansion armed with this new guide is well worth a trip.

Register on Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link. This virtual program is free; $5 suggested donation.

Morris-Jumel – ConEd Family and Community Day: Cyanotype Art Prints

A cyanotype is one of the oldest photographic processes, and is considered Victorian-era print technology. The process allows for the creation of photographic images without the need for a camera. By placing objects directly onto light-sensitive paper and exposing it to sunlight, the result is an artistic and distinctive cyan-blue print. British polymath Sir John Herschel invented cyanotypes in 1842, and also coined the term photography. Anna Atkins, a friend of Herschel, achieved significant recognition by self-publishing “Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions” in 1843, which is considered the first book illustrated with photographic images.

Each participant is invited to create one original cyanotype. We’ll begin with a mini Nature Scavenger Hunt. We will be gathering nature samples from our designated area in Roger Morris Park, including leaves from the ground, twigs, small stones, and fallen plant matter, while respecting the natural surroundings. After arranging our findings on the special light-sensitive paper provided,  your own unique and artistic print will appear after being exposed to sunlight for a few moments. These prints serve as beautiful, enduring keepsakes of nature for you to cherish. Materials are provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

La cianotipia es uno de los procesos fotográficos más antiguos y se considera una tecnología de impresión de la época victoriana. El proceso permite la creación de imágenes fotográficas sin necesidad de cámara. Al colocar objetos directamente sobre papel sensible a la luz y exponerlo a la luz solar, el resultado es una impresión artística y distintiva en azul cian. El erudito británico Sir John Herschel inventó los cianotipos en 1842 y también acuñó el término fotografía. Anna Atkins, amiga de Herschel, logró un importante reconocimiento con la autoedición de “Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions” en 1843, considerado el primer libro ilustrado con imágenes fotográficas.

Se invita a cada participante a crear un cianotipo original. Comenzaremos con una mini búsqueda del tesoro en la naturaleza. Recolectaremos muestras de la naturaleza de nuestra área designada en Roger Morris Park, incluidas hojas del suelo, ramitas, piedras pequeñas y materia vegetal caída, respetando el entorno natural. Después de organizar nuestros hallazgos en el papel especial sensible a la luz proporcionado, su propia impresión artística y única aparecerá después de exponerla a la luz solar durante unos momentos. Estas impresiones sirven como recuerdos hermosos y duraderos de la naturaleza que usted podrá apreciar. Los materiales se proporcionan por orden de llegada.




Morris-Jumel – Movie in the Park: Stand and Deliver

Bring a picnic blanket and some snacks to Roger Morris Park and enjoy a free screening of Stand and Deliver (1988).

About the film: “Jaime Escalante is an engineer turned mathematics teacher. Convinced that his students have potential, he adopts unconventional teaching methods to help gang members and no-hopers pass the rigorous Advanced Placement exam in calculus.” This movie is rated PG, so it is not considered suitable for young audiences.

These events are hosted in partnership with Inwood Art Works.

Finding Art, Culture and Unique Events in Washington Heights & Inwood