Presents its Fall Fundraiser


Sunday, September 29, 2024 – 4-7pm

The Hudson – 348 Dyckman Street – New York, NY 10034

Dyckman Ticket – $120 Pre-Sale only until September 28.

Broadway Ticket – $75 Pre-Sale ($95 Day of Event)

Join Inwood Art Works for a sensational evening of dancing to live blues music, smooth bourbon, and delightful wine & brews at our Bourbon, Brews, and Blues fall fundraiser on Sunday, September 29 from 4-7pm in Inwood, NYC! Get ready to immerse yourself in an unforgettable afternoon filled with great community vibes, delicious drinks, and fantastic tunes by local talent on the gorgeous Hudson River.

Date: Sunday, September 29

Time: 4pm-7pm

Location: The outdoor covered theater at The Hudson. 348 Dyckman St., New York, NY 10034

Tickets available online here, at the door, and by check made out to:

Inwood Art Works

97 Park Terrace West

New York, NY 10034

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Sunday, September 29 – 4:00pm-7:00pm – Dyckman Ticket, $120 Pre-sale only through September 28. (Limited to 40. This sold out last year so get your tickets now!)

4pm – Dyckman Ticket. Premium Bourbon tasting, unlimited select craft beer from Alternative Medicine Brewing Company and Dyckman Beer Co., delicious hors d’oeurves provided by The Hudson, and a live blues set by The Faustones. Plus, receive one complimentary ticket entry for our bourbon bottle raffle.

Indulge in the rich and robust flavors of premium bourbons handpicked for this event. Savor each sip and discover the complex aromas and smooth finishes that make bourbon a true American classic. Take in the glorious Hudson River views while enjoying delicious hors d’oeurves, unlimited beer and wine, and dance to live boogie and blues by The Faustones.


Sunday, September 29- 5:00pm-7:00pm – Broadway Ticket $75 Pre-Sale, $95 Day of Event

5pm – Broadway Ticket. Enjoy Bourbon specialty cocktails, unlimited craft beer from Alternative Medicine Brewing Company and Dyckman Beer Co., wine, soda, sample delicious hors d’oeurves provided by The Hudson, and groove, dance, and sing along with live blues by The Faustones as you enjoy the gorgeous views of the Hudson River.

Cant Make it? Donate to support IAW’s programming!

Can’t come, or just want to support Inwood Art Works? Every donation helps Inwood Art Works continue to achieve its mission of creating and curating professional performing and visual arts in Inwood and its surrounding community through its Inwood Film Festival, Film Works Alfresco, On Air Podcast, Pop-up Art Galleries, and live concert events. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. Click here to donate now.

Checks can be made out to “Inwood Art Works” and sent to 97 Park Terrace West, NY, NY 10034

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Directions to The Hudson:

Take the A Train to Dyckman Street. Walk west until you reach the river.

Bourbon, Brews, and Blues Committee

Dean Dolan, Julie Hyman, Rud Morales, Erika Sanchez, Melissa Simms, Richard Simms, Ted Minos, Carole Guss Mulligan, and Elizabeth Warren.

Outdoor Summer Movie Night: Inside Out

Yeshiva University Office of Student Life, Office of the General Counsel and Inwood Art Works Present

Outdoor Summer Movie Night: Inside Out

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Doors Open at 7:30 PM

Movie Begins at 8:00 PM

Yeshiva University Tenzer Gardens – 2495 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10033

FREE! Yeshiva University ID or Eventbrite registration required for entry. RSVPS close at noon on August 20.

INSIDE OUT is an inventive, gorgeously animated, and powerfully moving story about the pain of growing up and handling big, new emotions that delights older and younger viewers alike.

Inwood Art Works: Theatermakers Mixer

Join fellow theatermakers for a casual mixer to connect, find collaborators, and celebrate our amazing local theater artists in Uptown, NYC. Light hors d’oeuvres provided by Inwood Art Works. Additional food and beverage available for purchase at The Hudson.
Who: Open to Theatermakers of all stripes who live in Inwood, Washington Heights and NW Bronx.
What: Uptown Theatermaker Mixer
Where: The Hudson – 348 Dyckman Street
When: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 from 6-7:30pm
RSVP required using this form:

RESHEDULED – Dyckman Farmhouse: Bearing Witness: An Update on the Journey Toward Collaboration, Repair and Return at the Inwood Sacred Site and African Burial Ground

Bearing Witness: An Update on the Journey Toward Collaboration, Repair and Return at the Inwood Sacred Site and African Burial Ground

By Peggy King Jorde and Rachel Watkins

Thursday, August 29th at 6PM on the back porch at DFM

In Inwood until  the late 1800s, the Dyckman and Nagel family cemeteries remained with grave markings, enclosed by a fence, and appeared to be a well kept rural cemetery. A few hundreds yards away were unmarked graves of enslaved Africans. During rapid development in the early 20th century, the site was discovered in March of 1903, and again, no means of protection came for those buried in this hilly knoll, and the bodies were exhumed, examined, and stolen.

The location of the Inwood Sacred Site lies between today’s 211th and 212th Streets, between Broadway and 10th Avenue. Until recently, this block was occupied by various Auto Shops and P.S. 98 – Shorac Kappock’s faculty parking lot. The local community of Inwood is fighting to raise awareness and gain recognition of this sacred site that was sadly desecrated a century ago. Hear from the team behind the Inwood Sacred Site Memorial at this session of Back Porch History at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum.


Dando testimonio: Una actualización sobre el viaje hacia la colaboración, la reparación y el regreso en el Sitio Sagrado de Inwood y el Cementerio Africano.

Por Peggy King Jorde y Rachel Watkins

Jueves 22 de agosto a las 6 PM en el porche de la casa histórica y museo Dyckman.

En Inwood hasta finales de 1800, los cementerios de las familias Dyckman y Nagel permanecieron con tumbas marcadas, protegidos por una valla y parecían ser cementerios rurales bien cuidados. A unos cientos de metros había tumbas sin marcas de africanos esclavizados. Durante el rápido desarrollo de la ciudad a principios del siglo XX, el sitio fue descubierto en marzo de 1903 y de nuevo, no llegó ningún medio de protección para los enterrados en esta colina. Los cuerpos fueron exhumados, examinados y robados.

La ubicación del Sitio Sagrado de Inwood se encuentra entre las calles 211 y 212, entre Broadway y 10th Avenue. Hasta hace poco, este bloque estaba ocupado por varios talleres mecánicos y el estacionamiento de la facultad de P.S. 98 – Shorac Kappock. La comunidad local de Inwood está luchando para crear conciencia y ganar reconocimiento de este sitio sagrado que fue profanado hace un siglo. Escuche al equipo detrás del Memorial del Sitio en esta sesión de Historia en la casa histórica y museo Dyckman.

Finding Art, Culture and Unique Events in Washington Heights & Inwood