Lottery registration opens on Wednesday August 14.
Sunday, August 25, 2024 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Few experiences compare with being on the open water in New York City. The rhythm of the waves, the sun on your face, and the exhilaration of slicing through the water all add up to an experience you’ll never forget. Our trained Urban Park Rangers will lead you on canoe adventures that range from the gentle waters of protected lakes to the challenging open waters of rivers and bays. All canoe programs are for ages 8 years and older. Participants are chosen by lottery. Lottery registration opens on Wednesday August 14.
Lottery registration opens on Wednesday August 14.
Sunday, August 25, 2024 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Few experiences compare with being on the open water in New York City. The rhythm of the waves, the sun on your face, and the exhilaration of slicing through the water all add up to an experience you’ll never forget. Our trained Urban Park Rangers will lead you on canoe adventures that range from the gentle waters of protected lakes to the challenging open waters of rivers and bays. All canoe programs are for ages 8 years and older. Participants are chosen by lottery. Lottery registration opens on Wednesday August 14.
Lottery registration opens on Wednesday August 14.
Sunday, August 25, 2024 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Few experiences compare with being on the open water in New York City. The rhythm of the waves, the sun on your face, and the exhilaration of slicing through the water all add up to an experience you’ll never forget. Our trained Urban Park Rangers will lead you on canoe adventures that range from the gentle waters of protected lakes to the challenging open waters of rivers and bays. All canoe programs are for ages 8 years and older. Participants are chosen by lottery. Lottery registration opens on Wednesday August 14.
Yaffa Cultural Arts Presents Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.
Griots in Concert featuring Dr. Linda H. Humes and Master drummer Sanga of The Valley present A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and His Times! Through storytelling, music, song and games this show highlights the values, goals and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement.
Join author and actor Tanya Wright for a reading of her book Goodnight Hairiette, a timeless tale about courage, community and being yourself featuring the courageous protagonist Hairiette of Harlem! Hands on puppet making and art activities to follow.
Sunday, November 17th
1:00 pm
Finding Art, Culture and Unique Events in Washington Heights & Inwood