Tag Archives: UpTownNYC

Dyckman Farmhouse: History in Focus: When Old Uptown was Young: Irish, Jewish and Greek Immigrants in Washington Heights and Inwood

When Old Uptown was Young: Irish, Jewish and Greek Immigrants in Washington Heights and Inwood

June 12th, at 12PM

Virtual Via Zoom

Register here

Lecture by Robert W. Snyder, Manhattan Borough Historian

Upper Manhattan is well known as the site of the largest Dominican community in the United States, but from the 1920s to the 1980s it was the home of large communities of Irish, Jewish and Greek immigrants and their children. Robert Snyder’s lecture will explore how they came to Upper Manhattan, how they settled in, and how they experienced the Depression, World War II, the postwar migration to the suburbs, and the years of high crime and economic turmoil that shook New York City in the late twentieth century.

Robert Snyder, Manhattan Borough Historian, is professor emeritus of American Studies and Journalism at Rutgers University. His books include Crossing Broadway: Washington Heights and the Promise of New York and All the Nations Under Heaven: Immigrants, Migrants and the Making of New York.


Cuando el Alto Manhattan Era Joven: Inmigrantes Irlandeses, Judíos y Griegos en Washington Heights e Inwood

12 de junio, a las 12 p.m.

Virtual por Zoom

Regístrese aquí

Conferencia a cargo de Robert W. Snyder, Historiador del Distrito de Manhattan

El Alto Manhattan es conocido como el lugar de la comunidad dominicana más grande de los Estados Unidos, pero desde la década de 1920 hasta la de 1980 fue el hogar de grandes comunidades de inmigrantes irlandeses, judíos y griegos y sus hijos. La conferencia de Robert Snyder explorará cómo llegaron al Alto Manhattan, cómo se establecieron y cómo vivieron la Depresión, la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la migración a los suburbios de la posguerra y los años de alta criminalidad y crisis económica que sacudieron la ciudad de Nueva York a fines del siglo XX.

Robert Snyder, historiador del distrito de Manhattan, es profesor emérito de Estudios Americanos y Periodismo en la Universidad de Rutgers. Sus libros incluyen “Crossing Broadway: Washington Heights y la promesa de Nueva York” y “Todas las naciones bajo el cielo: inmigrantes, migrantes y la creación de Nueva York”.

Dyckman Farmhouse – Afroterpreting: Talking About Slavery While Black

Afroterpreting: Talking About Slavery While Black

By Cheyney McKnight

Tuesday, June 4th at 6PM

Come join us in learning about the creative process of the person behind the exhibition “The Ancestor’s Future”, artist and historical interpreter Cheyney McKnight.

The exhibit is a personally curated journey from the past of Black America to the future of the African diaspora that uses clothing and set design to center the descendants in the conversation. The public is invited to join Mcknight along with other descendants over a cup of tea in a conversation about the African experience in America’s past, how it is impacting the present, and hear speculations about the far future of the Diaspora through the lens of descendants.


Afrointerpretación: Hablando sobre la esclavitud siendo negro

Por Cheyney McKnight

Martes 4 de junio a las 6 PM

Te invitamos a que te unas a nosotros para aprender sobre el proceso creativo de la persona detrás de la exhibición “El Futuro de los Ancestros”, el artista e intérprete histórico Cheyney McKnight.

La exhibición es un viaje curado personalmente desde el pasado de la América Negra hasta el futuro de la diáspora africana que utiliza la ropa y la escenografía para centrar a los descendientes en la conversación. Se invita al público a unirse a Mcknight junto con otros descendientes para tomar una taza de té en una conversación sobre la experiencia africana en el pasado de Estados Unidos, cómo está impactando el presente y escuchar especulaciones sobre el futuro lejano de la Diáspora a través de la lente de los descendientes.

2024 Film Works Alfresco: The Birds

The Birds

Monday, August 26, 2024 – 119 minutes. Horror Thriller in English with Spanish Subtitles (1963, USA). Appropriate for Young Adult. Pre-show local dance performance by Pigeonwing Dance begin at 7:00pm.

Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren, and Jessica Tandy star in one of Hitchcock’s most terrifying tale. A wealthy San Francisco socialite pursues a potential boyfriend to a small Northern California town that slowly takes a turn for the bizarre when birds of all kinds suddenly begin to attack people.


7:00pm – Pre-show dance performance by Pigeonwing Dance

8:00pm (approximately) – Feature Presentation

Programming will take place rain or shine at The Hudson, located at Dyckman Marina in Inwood Hill Park, 348 Dyckman Street, New York, NY 10034. Food and drink available for purchase until 9pm.

Free admission. Donations appreciated.

Tickets required through www.inwoodartworks.nyc and Eventbrite only. Unclaimed tickets will be released by 8:20pm to the Wait List. Walk-ups will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Seating for 100 people will be provided on first-come first served basis, but you can also bring your own folding chairs if you prefer, to guarantee your seat. All Covid-19 protocols followed as advised by CDC.

For the full Film Works Alfresco summer film schedule click here.

Film Works Alfresco focuses foremost on presenting independent and popular films with local relevance that culturally resonate with the Northern Manhattan community. It is New York City’s only free outdoor English and Spanish cinema series.

This curated film and local artists series by Inwood Art Works provides free screenings and theatrical performances every Monday evening at sundown at The Hudson, located at 348 Dyckman Street on the edge of Inwood Hill Park and the Hudson River, from June 5 through August 28, 2023. Pre-show performances by local artists begin approximately one hour before the film.