Tag Archives: Documentary Film

Feminist Film Series: The Dispute Over Latin America – Se Fue a Volver (Mexico 2023)

Join us for the second screening of our 2024 Feminist Film Series: The Dispute for Latin America, which focus on the judicial war in Ecuador.

We’ll be screening a teaser to Influjo Psíquico by @alecardona_films and the documentar Se Fue a Volver by @enriquezborges, two films which chronicle the political persecution against the leadership of the Citizen Revolution following the departure of the government of former Ecuadorian president, Rafael Correa.

In the last two decades and after the end of the so-called “pink tide”, Latin America has experienced a reactionary counter-offensive. In the fourth year of this film series, we seek to map this counter-offensive and the tactics it has used to orchestrate soft coups, persecute political opponents, and handcuff leftist governments.

⏱️ Doors open at 7:00 pm and the film will start at 8:00 pm sharp. Please stay with us after the screening for a group discussion of the films!

🥟 We will have empanadas, jamaica water and wine from local vendors. A discount is available if you bring your own reusable water bottle.

We request a suggested donation of $10 to help us maintain our feminist programming, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Dyckman Farm – Film Screening and Discussion: “After I Pick the Fruit: The Lives of Migrant Women”

Join us at the museum’s parlor as we present the documentary film “After I Pick the Fruit: The Lives of Migrant Women,” directed by Nancy Ghertner. Followed by a discussion that connects the experiences of migrant farmworkers to the history of the Dyckman farmhouse during its orchard years. The Dyckman Farmhouse Museum stands as a testament to the agricultural heritage and immigration history of New York City. As we explore the lives of migrant women depicted in the film, we’ll also reflect on the historical context of farming and immigration in United States.

Our objective with this event is to foster a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by immigrant farmworkers and their vital role in sustaining this nation. Afterwards we invite you to take a short walk outside of the farmhouse and locate the historic cherry tree left in the property, take a few minutes to reflect and consider those who have shaped our society. This event is free and open to the public, light refreshments will be provided. The film will begin at 11:30am and the discussion will start at 1:00pm after the film.


Les invitamos a la casa histórica y museo Dyckman mientras presentamos el documental “Después de Recoger la Fruta: La Vida de las Mujeres Migrantes”, dirigido por Nancy Ghertner. Seguido de una conversación que conecta las experiencias de los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes con la historia de la casa Dyckman durante sus años de granja.  La casa histórica y museo Dyckman es un testimonio del patrimonio agrícola y la historia de inmigración en la ciudad de Nueva York. Mientras exploramos las vidas de las mujeres inmigrantes representadas en el documental, también reflexionaremos sobre el contexto histórico de la agricultura y la inmigración en Estados Unidos.

Nuestro objetivo con este evento es fomentar una comprensión más profunda de los desafíos que enfrentan los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y su papel vital en el sustento de esta nación. Una vez el evento termine también les invitamos a dar un paseo fuera de la casa y ubicar el cerezo histórico que queda en la propiedad. Al encontrarlo tome unos minutos para reflexionar y considerar quienes han dado forma a nuestra sociedad. Este evento es gratuito y abierto al público.

El documental comienza a las 11:30 y la discusión a la 1:00pm.