Check Please, directed by Victor Mignatti, Scott T. Hinson
Check Please, with its playful nod to silent comedies, is a very short short that recounts an IRL flirtation gone the way of the dating app.
Self Love, directed by Montgomery Sutton
Based on Shakespeare’s Sonnet 62, a celebrity explores the extremes of her own self-love on a journey to discover what truly matters to her.
The Pillow Case, directed by Elias R Connolly
Two roommates struggle to sleep in the middle of the night, oblivious to the nefarious presence that is among them.
Hairpiece, directed by Jamie Ruddy
Two kids knock off their father’s toupee in a pillow fight and believe they murdered him. Based on a true story about a dysfunctional family in 1983.
Bald, directed by Andrew Sanford
Is there a connection between hair and identity? Bald is a short film about one woman’s journey of self-acceptance.
The Late Set, directed by Bren Patrick Burke
In the wake of the pandemic, a jazz musician struggles to win back the affections of a former bandmate who’s life and career have moved on.
Josh and Lyla go to Dinner, directed by Dylan Tuccillo
Their first date begins like any other, but ends in a free-for-all of embarrassing truths.
This is Inwood, directed by Carlos V Lample
A born and bred New Yorker takes you on a personal and historical tour of the Inwood/Washington Heights neighborhoods of NYC.
Solitude, directed by Yuyun Xiaoping MacAllister, Iryna Ignatenko
A study on paranoia goes awry, leading to a sinister delve into the thoughts and anxieties of the subject.
The Duplicate, directed by Hamilton Beck
While taking a stroll in the rain, a woman is followed by a familiar face.