Tag Archives: Northern Manhattan

Cabrini Shrine: Renaissance Choral Music

This will be a performance of Renaissance choral music – the Hapsburg Court Composers Heinrich Finck, Heinrich Isaac, and their students Thomas Stoltzer and Ludwig Senfl – led by choral director Richard Porterfield, which will include movements from favorite masses, Marian and celebratory motets and psalms, on Saturday October 26, 2024 at 5pm at the Shrine of St Francis Cabrini (near the Cloisters in Fort Tryon Park), 701 Fort Washington Ave, Manhattan. To reach the Shrine, take the A train to the 190th Street station, or the M4 bus. Suggested admission donation, $20. Students, free.

To add to this Saturday Experience, come early and walk through the adjacent Fort Tryon Park Gardens down to the famed Cloisters Museum- the Met Museum of medieval art, enjoying Fall Colors and unequaled Hudson River and Palisades Views! [the M4 bus goes directly there if needed]

Morris-Jumel: Andrea Arroyo’s New Years Reception

Let’s toast to the new year! Join Andrea Arroyo on Saturday, January 18, at the Morris-Jumel Mansion Museum in Manhattan. Raise a glass to celebrate the beginning of 2025 at her exhibition, “Faces & Façades”
Faces & Façades is an exhibition at the Morris-Jumel Mansion showcasing new artworks by Andrea Arroyo. The project is a love letter to the uptown community and the women who hold it together. The paintings in the exhibition blend organic and non-organic forms, taking inspiration from two sources: the female body and the architectural elements of uptown buildings.
Faces & Façades is made possible in part with support from the Artist Employment Program, Creatives Rebuild New York, UMEZ Arts Engagement, Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders, and the Puffin Foundation.

J. Hood: HallowScream Fright Walk

HallowScream Fright Walk

Friday, October 18, 2024 | Fright Walk
3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 19, 2024 | Fright Walk & Fall Festival
11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

HallowScream Fright Walk and Fall Festival

Join us for a spooky celebration at J. Hood Wright Park with an interactive haunted house, games, inflatables, and more! Wear your best costume and get ready for the scariest party in town!

Know before you go:
You can experience our fright walk at any point between the allotted time for the day. For your safety and others’, please exercise caution during the fright walk. Please wear comfortable, closed-toed shoes, and refrain from wearing jewelry. Participants cannot run or touch props and actors. No bags or belongings are allowed inside, so please plan accordingly. Parental discretion and supervision, especially for participants under 13, are highly recommended. Waivers must be signed by an adult.

The HALLOWSCREAM! Fright Walk features frightening images and special effects, sudden movements and jump scares, loud and intense audio, varying light conditions (such as flashing lights and low visibility), and fog in a potentially physically and emotionally demanding environment. Enter at your own risk.

Friday, October 18, 2024 | Fright Walk
3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 19, 2024 | Fright Walk & Fall Festival
11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

J. Hood Wright Park | W. 174 St. & Fort Washington Ave. | New York, N.Y. 10033

This event is FREE and open to the public. For more information visit nyc.gov/parks or call 311.
Contact accessibility@parks.nyc.gov or (212) 360-1430 for more information regarding accessibility.

Inwood Art Works: Birds, Bees & Electric Fish

Inwood Art Works presents a family concert

Birds, Bees & Electric Fish
A flute/percussion quartet concert

Sunday, October 27, 2024 – 2:00pm
Good Shepherd Auditorium – 620 Isham Street

Minimum Suggested Donation of $20 Adults, $10 Children. Pay online or at the door.

Acclaimed flute/percussion quartet Caballito Negro + Friends present a not-to-missed concert on Sunday, October 27th, 2024 at 2pm at Good Shepherd Auditorium, Inwood. The concert centers around a brilliant, virtuosic, family-friendly music piece, Birds, Bees, Electric Fish, which has wowed diverse audiences all over the USA, that Caballito Negro commissioned from composer Juri Seo, and includes poetic, imaginative pieces by other American composers. The event will begin with a special Spanish/English bilingual talk, led by Good Shepherd’s own Carla López-Speziale. Carla and the musicians will invite the audience into the unique sounds of instruments from all over the world, the imaginative sounds of animals and nature, as well as the found sounds of everyday junk.

Proceeds from the concert support Good Shepherd School.

It is made possible by support from Chamber Music America, UMEZ (Lower Manhattan Cultural Council), and Inwood Art Works.

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Inwood Art Works presenta

Birds, Bees & Electric Fish
Un concierto de cuarteto de flauta y percusión

Domingo, 27 de Octubre de 2024 – 2:00 p.m.
Auditorio del Buen Pastor – 620 Isham Street

Donación mínima sugerida de $ 20 adultos y $ 10 niños

El aclamado cuarteto de flauta y percusión Caballito Negro + Friends presenta un concierto imperdible el domingo 27 de octubre de 2024 a las 2:00 p. m. en el Auditorio del Buen Pastor en Inwood. El concierto se centra en una pieza musical brillante, Birds, Bees, Electric Fish, virtuosa y familiar que ha fascinado a diversos públicos por todos los Estados Unidos, que Caballito Negro encargó al compositor Juri Seo, e incluye piezas poéticas e imaginativas de otros compositores estadounidenses. El evento comenzará con una charla especial bilingüe en español e inglés, dirigida por Carla López-Speziale del Buen Pastor. Carla y los músicos invitarán al público a los sonidos únicos de instrumentos de todo el mundo, los sonidos imaginativos de los animales y la naturaleza, así como los sonidos encontrados en la basura cotidiana.

El concierto es gratuito, con una donación sugerida de $20 para adultos y $10 para niños, que apoyan a la escuela del Buen Pastor, y es posible gracias al apoyo de Chamber Music America, UMEZ (Lower Manhattan Cultural Council) y Inwood Art Works

Dyckman Farmhouse: Guided Tour: New York State Path Through History Weekend

Guided Tour: Path Through History Weekend

Saturday, October 12th at 1PM
Registration Required, Free

Enjoy this unique opportunity for a free guided tour of the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum! Attendees can learn about the history of the Dyckman farmhouse and the Inwood neighborhood. Attendees will also have the opportunity to check out DFM’s historic Hessian military hut, and a local artist exhibition.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity for a free guided tour of the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum! Attendees will be able to learn about the history of the Dyckman home and the Inwood neighborhood. Additionally, they will have the chance to explore the DFM’s historic Hessian military shelter and two exhibitions by local artists.