Tag Archives: Northern Manhattan

Inwood Hill Park: Uptown Kid Lit

Uptown Kid Lit—Word Up’s mini book festival for kids—is back in 2024 to celebrate music! 

Stop by Pat’s Lawn at Inwood Hill Park to meet beloved local authors & musicians with new books, as they lead story times and activities, workshops, and more, all with a musical twist. Along with new books, Word Up will be giving away FREE books and school supplies.

Featured authors & artists:

Adria Quiñones (Mi Tierra)
Angie Cruz (Angélica y la güira)
Chris Raschka (Nothing: John Cage and 4’33”)
Crudo Creates
Demetrius Daniel
Hilda Eunice Burgos (Bodega Cats: Picture Purrfect)
Inju Keum
Jackie Azúa Kramer (I Am Salsa, ¡Boogie En El Bronx!)
Janelle Harper (My Block Looks Like)
Jazz WaHi
Jyoti Rajan Gopal (One Sweet Song)
Leadlights Ensemble with Rachael Harrington
Luz Maria Mack (¡Pequeña María descubre su baile! / Little María discovers her dance!)
Megan Madison & Katie Madison (Our Skin: A First Conversation About Race)
Pablo KALAKA (Son de estos mares)
Stacy Davidowitz (Cut Loose!, Camp Rolling Hill series)

Word Up first launched Uptown Kid Lit in 2019 as a one-day festival for the Uptown community. After two years of virtual/hybrid programming in 2020 and 2021, UKL returned in person in 2022 with a focus on comics as part of the three-day Uptown Comics Fest. Each year has gathered a unique and vibrant group of authors, illustrators, educators, publishers, editors, craftspeople, artists, and community organizations—all to support and celebrate our neighborhood’s youngest readers and families. We hope you’ll join us in 2024 for our fourth year of Uptown Kid Lit at Inwood Hill Park!

Spanish interpretation will be provided at the main stage presentations.

This is a free event. Please consider donating so that we can continue creating accessible programming by, with, and for our neighbors.

Up Theater: The Importance of Being Earnest

September 14
3:00 PM

an al fresco play reading
Directed by Kirby Fields

Featuring some of your favorite
uptown actors:

Mary Albert as Gwendolyn
Omar Camps-Kamrin as Jack
Jesse Castellanos as Algernon
Laura Fois as Lady Bracknell
Ashley O’Neill as Cecily
Lue McWilliams as Miss Prism
Rik Walter as Rev. Chasuble


Bring a lawn chair or blanket to

Isham Park

(Near Bruce’s Garden)



Reception to follow with light refreshments

United Palace: Silent Movie Day Mini-Festival

Title: Silent Movie Day Mini-Festival

Link: https://unitedpalace.boletosexpress.com/silent-movie-day-mini-festival/78365/



Sunday, September 29th @ 6:30pm

Thanks to 33 recent donors, we are very close to restoring our original Wonder Morton Organ to the point of having it make sound. We will celebrate this accomplishment on September 29 with a mini-festival of silent films accompanied by live organ as part of National Silent Movie Day. The lineup features Laurel and Hardy’s short “Battle of the Century,” Charlie Chaplin’s short “The Adventurer,” and Buster Keaton’s classic “Sherlock Jr.” With a little luck, NYTOS will also present a demonstration of the Palace’s theatre organ, the first time it’s made sound in decades.

Tickets to this special event are only $25, with all proceeds supporting the theatre organ campaign.